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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Men...Check your packing list!

Details, details!

Please double check the packing list & be sure to bring a tarp that will cover you and your gear.
See you on the 28th!


  1. Men

    This site will be a landing zone for comments about the 2009 Challenge Basic and Extreme events. Please post images, memories, contact info. God needs you all to stay in touch with each other. We men of God need to encourage one another to maintain and grow in the power that God has given you. I am still recuperating fro the two camps. I thank God for the Dads that involved themselves in the mentoring of the Challenge recruits and specialists. I thank God for the staff that committed to the spiritual development f the recruits and specialists. I thank God for the recruits and specialist that went ALL THE WAY for the glory of God!

    I will be in touch in the near future. 15-22 October I will be engaged with the International Sniper Competition. Contact me if you want to be involved with this.

  2. Here's a post I did on the event:

    A BIIIIIIIG Thank You to Officer Stansbury and the whole staff for their work.

    God Bless you guys!

    "Press On",
    Stephen, III


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