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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

God Worthy

"We all with open face beholding . . . the glory of the Lord." 2 Corinthians 3:18

Last weekend at CST we spoke often about role models. Many of the role models we spoke of were human. Humans break, grow old, or change. Sometimes we are disheartened, left looking for a new role to follow. Sometimes (by design) we are left as they role model. A servant of God must stand so much alone that he never knows he is alone. We have to get so used to it that we never know we are standing alone. "All men forsook me…notwithstanding the Lord stood with me" (2 Tim. 4:16-17). We must build our faith, not on the fading light, but on the light that never fails. When "big" men go we are sad, until we see that they are meant to go, the one thing that remains is looking in the face of God for ourselves. Take care to cultivate your relationship with God. Seek His face (His character) not His hands (what He can do for you). Allow nothing to keep you from looking God sternly in the face about yourself and about your doctrine, and every time you study, teach, or experience see that you look God in the face about things first, then the glory will remain all through. A Christian worker is one who perpetually looks in the face of God and then goes forth to talk to people. The characteristic of Christ’s ministry for which we are looking is the long-lasting glory. Keep in tune with God all the time.

How do I apply this? Check your passions. What drives you? "Wherefore we labor that…we may be accepted of Him." 2 Corinthians 5:9 It is arduous work to keep the master ambition in front. In other words we must keep the main thing the main thing. Hold yourself to the high ideal year in and year out. What is the high ideal? Is it winning souls or establishing churches or having revivals. NAY! You must appreciate being "accepted of Him." It is not lack of spiritual experience that leads to failure, but lack of laboring to keep the ideal right. So here is your homework. Once a week, take stock before God and see whether you are keeping your life up to the standard He wishes. As Challenge needs squad officers who do not need the approval of the recruits if he can catch the look of approval from the First Officer. So God needs Christian men who need no appreciation from this world if we can catch a glimpse of a boastful God.

Any ambition which is in the tiniest degree away from this central one of being "approved unto God" may end in our being castaways. Learn to discern where the ambition leads, and you will see why it is so necessary to live facing the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul says - "Lest my body should make me take another line, I am constantly watching so that I may bring it into subjection and keep it under." (1 Cor. 9:27.) I have to learn to relate everything to the master ambition, and to maintain it without any cessation. My worth to God in public is what I am in private. Is my master ambition to please Him and be acceptable to Him, or is it something less, no matter how noble?

After you have examined yourself the test will come in the form of everyday life. The test will be the sixty seconds of every minute, and the sixty minutes of every hour, not our times of prayer and devotional meetings. "Though it tarry, wait for it." We cannot attain to a vision, we must live in the inspiration of it until it accomplishes itself. At the beginning we saw it but did not wait for it; we rushed off into practical work, and when the vision was fulfilled, we did not see it. Waiting for the vision that tarries is the test of our loyalty to God. Living in the light of what you have seen. Let God fling you out, and do not go until He does. If God sows you, you will bring forth fruit. It is essential to practice the walk of the feet in the light of the vision. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose imagination is stayed on Thee." Isaiah 26:3 Is your mind stayed on God or is it starved? The starvation of the mind is a source of exhaustion in a worker's life. If you have never used your mind to put yourself before God, begin to do it now. It is no use waiting for God to come; you must put your mind away from the face of idols and look unto Him and be saved. The mind is the greatest gift God has given us and it ought to be devoted entirely to Him. If you have been bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, it will be one of the greatest assets to faith when the time of trial comes, because your faith and the Spirit of God will work together. Learn to meditate on ideas worthy of God and your mind will never be at the mercy of your impulses, but will always be at the service of God. "We have sinned and fallen short, we have forgotten" - then put a boot knife to the throat of the thing that has lulled you to sleep. "God is not talking to me just now," but He ought to be. Remember Whose you are and Whom you serve. Provoke yourself by recollection and your affection for God will increase tenfold; your mind will not be starved any longer, but will be quick and enthusiastic, and your hope will be inexpressibly bright.

Men, Keep your mind fixed on Christ. Wait for the vision God is sharing with you. Stay God’s course. Be concerned with what matters to God.

Your worth to God in public is what you are in private.

Officer Stansbury, Program Director

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